স্বাগতম – WELCOME – स्वागत

Dear Guest,
We welcome you to Bangladesh High Commission in New Delhi - on the web. We have taken this initiative to take you along in a journey with us to the many wonders and attractions that have brought people from all over the world to our lands for millennia now. Bangladesh is a relatively new country but ours is an old nation with rich culture and heritage. We welcome you on-board as we move ahead in time. We want you to know Bangladesh and its people and how we fare in India.
Bangladesh, India relations are multifaceted and deep rooted in shared history, geographical proximity and commonality in their cultures. The emotional bond stemming from the invaluable contribution of the Government and the people of India towards Bangladesh’s War of Liberation remain a dominant factor in the country’s political, cultural and social wave. Economically and commercially, the two countries are becoming increasingly interlinked and interdependent. Among all its neighbours, India has the largest land boundary with Bangladesh. There is an undisputed recognition on both sides that the destinies of the two neighbouring countries are inescapably intertwined.
Bangladesh figures prominently in India’s ‘Look East’ policy and both countries are working to strengthen sub-regional cooperation between Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and North East India, and maximum emphasis has been placed on the question of connectivity within the sub-region as well as with the South East Asian countries under the aegis of BIMSTEC and ASEAN. Bangladesh enjoys a unique strategic location as a land bridge between South and South East Asia, and her coasts offer great opportunities for the development of deep sea ports in the Bay of Bengal for the benefit of the entire region. Bangladesh also offers huge skilled and semiskilled workforce for the development of joint venture projects. Given our vast resources and potentials, Bangladesh believes that the countries of this entire region should move and grow together for the common benefit of our people. We wish to acquaint you with our discourses flowing as they from the inescapable inevitability of our inseparable destinies.
We have constructed this corner for you to feel at home with our Mission, the Bangladesh High Commission in New Delhi, to get acquainted with our Team. We want you to glimpse the microcosm that we are of the country we represent, Bangladesh, and also get linked with the larger Bangladesh through its Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other government offices.
It is said that "Hope is the beginning of all Journeys". We look forward to brighter days with great expectations.
Long live Bangladesh-India friendship.
Joy Bangla !